Captain Diego is an excellent fly fisherman and gives credit for his skills to many of his fellow captains that taught him when he began his charter business in the Florida Keys. The help and instruction from these professionals and friends allowed him to acquire the knowledge and skill to become a fly fishing instructor. Because he had been a local commercial fisherman in these waters for so many years prior to becoming a guide, these friends took him under their wings and offered him a rare opportunity for a fishing charter beginner, and he excelled at what he was taught.
He likes to pass these skills on to his clients who wish to learn, with the same patience and finesse with which he was taught. So if you are interested in learning, you won’t have to worry, and definitely will not feel intimidated. Fly fishing around the Florida Keys with Captain Diego always feels as if you are fishing with a best buddy!
If you consider yourself an expert in the world of fly fishing, then be prepared to hone your skill as you enter into the realm of the elusive bonefish, tarpon and permit. You can anticipate the screaming runs of drag burning speed when you put a merkin crab fly into the rubbery lips of a healthy permit. You will be one of the few anglers that can claim bragging rights of having put a fly hook in the mouth of one of these highly skittish stars of the flats, whether it be the bonefish, permit or acrobatic tarpon. You will cherish the glory of the resulting fight that any of these powerful fish will offer, forever have the memories imbedded in your mind of the experience of a lifetime, and have the picture or a replica fish mount in your home or office to prove it.
Most anglers bring their own fly fishing tackle and gear, but Captain Diego will furnish all the fly gear you will need upon request.